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PESA Mushrooms

ETA: Your PESA Mushrooms will arrive at 06:17 PM

The PES Amazonian, also known as Amazon or PESA, is known for its fast development as well as its prolific high. This mushroom hybrid is a psilocybe cubensis, a psychedelic mushroom that contains psilocybin and psilocin as its main active components. It is also known as Amazon or PESA.


  • 14g or 28g of Dried psilocybin mushrooms.

PESA Mushrooms

PESA Magic Mushrooms

Caps frequently have a pronounced nipple in the centre, and the diameter can vary from one to two inches from convex to flat surfaces as it matures. When they begin to form, the cap colour is dark red, but as it matures, the dark red only remains in the centre. Pacific Exotica Spora Amazonia is a strain that forms very interesting exotic shapes, living up to its amazing name.

My 28 Grams Shroom Delivery

My 28 Grams provides the safest and most reliable shroom delivery services in Calgary. You can trust us to give you the best possible experience. Take your trips to new heights and choose from a wide selection of magic mushroom strains to try! Still have questions? Give us a call and we will be happy to help.

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PESA Mushrooms Delivered to you same day within 90 minutes. We offer same day weed delivery to Calgary, Olds, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Airdrie, Langdon and more cities in and around the YYC.